Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ready for the Snow??

I am from Texas, born and raised. I visited Colorado when I was 14 years old with my father and knew I was home. I swore I’d move here, 21 years old, and I did. What better place to live if you like to camp, like cooler temps and snow.

Wait… snow?

I remember the first time I saw snow; I was 21 and living in a 3rd floor apartment. It started snowing and I couldn’t get downstairs fast enough, I was bounding down the steps to swirl around like a child in the dancing snow. I fell in love.

Now, its coming, 8-16 inches are headed our way and we are bracing for the worst of it. All the kids will be home, (I feel safer when they are all with us), and we are making sure to stock up for a few days… Just… in … case.

What else do you need to know, being a Colorado transplant? Here are some tips for people that need to prepare for future storms.

*Bring in your outdoor furniture and make sure there are not items that might get blown around and damage your home.

*Have flashlights, candles, matches/lighters handy. Make sure there are batteries and get a radio that is charged by battery so you can keep up with the storm.

*Get water in jugs/fill up the bathtub so you can pour it into the toilet, just in case of power outage.

*Rock salt and other ice dissolvers to melt ice on the steps of your home.

*Know where your snow shovels are, nothing is worse than looking for that in the middle of a storm.

*Get food that is easy to prepare in case you lose electricity.

*If you do leave the house, make sure your vehicle has blankets, extra gloves, hats, scarves, water and boots.

Most importantly, keep yourself and your family safe, also check on neighbors, elderly and young families, those are so important! No one wants a snow storm to end and watch and ambulance cart away a neighbor because they got hurt.

For these tips and more check out Prepare your home for the winter and How to deal in a snow storm.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thanks for the reminder to get my act together for winter! I don't think we're ready at all.