Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
If you could change anything in your master bedroom what would you do/remove/paint/change?
I am doing a ton of things in the master bedroom this weekend. No paint because money is a tad tight, but I am....
*Removing the hideous crown molding
*Taking down and disposing of the curtains
*Getting rid of the shelves
*Dusting and vacuuming
*Making it a romantic space
The room needs a change, right now it is not a romantic space that I need it to be.
Pictures will be posted on this :)
I wish my closet was a walk-in closet!
i would probably buy a better bedroom set. I think me and my husband focus the least on our bedroom so it could use alot of work
This is our next project...
-change out hideous closet doors
-new window treatments and bedding
-large area rug
would love to...
-extend out and add bathroom.
Repaint. I'm not as crazy about the colors now as I was when I originally painted the room. At least since we're moving I'll get a fresh start in a new master bedroom. Hopefully with a master bath this time too.
I would get rid of the clutter!
I really love my bedroom, but I would add crown molding and get new doors for the closet.
It's the master bath that really needs work.
I have so many cute things but I want to make a new headboard, paint and that's about it...it just all needs to come together!
I would love to add a fireplace in our master bedroom. It just makes the room so cozy and romantic. And with three kids, I need all the romance I can get! LOL.
Paint the walls and add new curtains.
Earlier this summer, we bought a new bedroom set w/dressers and the whole she-bang! I was like "oh happy day!" and I'm in love with our bedroom!
Now if you'd ask me this same question at the beginning of the year, I would have said "Help! I need a new bedset, dresser etc etc!"
Have fun fixing up your bedroom!
I'd paint, we have plan white walls right now.
Oh my, so much I want to do. I even asked for help on my blog I was desperate. I would change my bedspread, change my curtains and put some color into it. One thing at a time...
Well, I'm actually in the middle of reno-ing my bedroom (snort, ha ha ha ha, oh I just made myself pee a little bit!). Back up a bit: our house has been in constant reno mode since the renters trashed it 3.5 years ago... a trashed house we moved back into (yes, it was ours and we rented it out, silly us) WITH A NEWBORN. I can't tell you how many times I've stood with my toes a little over the edge of the cliff and looked down, it's been that bad. But I digress.
Paint: done. ((cough!)) Ahem. Um, almost finished.
Trim for doors and window: asap (but not this weekend)
Repair and repaint the door.
Repaint and refloor the closet. (Don't even get me started why this wasn't done with the REST of the floors in the house.
Short story for this weekend? Since I'm working on the kitchen and laundry room: set the bedroom on fire so I won't have to look at it anymore.
I think I would paint the walls and add some nightstands. :-)
I would get rid of my carpet and put down tile flooring or something and then I would repaint the bedroom :)
I think I would remove the carpet! It's yuck.
Sound like great changes to me. I sure would like to paint mine and get ride of the awful carpet. :)
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