Tuesday, March 3, 2009

To-Do Tuesday- Week 4

Here is the 4th "To-Do Tuesday", started by Lisa at Crazy Adventures in Parenting.

To-Do Tuesday has been a wonderful asset to me; I had no idea I needed a list like this, but apparently I did.

I have a Google calendar to keep track of dates, schedule changes and things like that for Dave and me. This is our way to know what we are doing with family time, personal time and other issues that might come up.

I know I work a TON, I know I need to work even harder to get these things done. Heck… I need to sit down with Lisa and pick her brain on a few PR issues. That is going on next weeks list!

This week I actually scheduled in time for relaxing. It is not something I schedule in for myself very often, so I need to make sure that I stay on top of that. I think next week I will schedule in time for “pampering”. Something small, personal manicure, homemade facial, etc. Anyone up for doing this ever week?

So… here goes for the week, it’s a tad bit more organized, I’m on the ball today!

Drink 8 glasses of water

Work out- Arms
What is blogging? Part 2
UPS for phone issues

Wordless Wednesday post
Legal papers filled out
Work out- Abs
Pack for Thursday/Friday

Get it Write post
Tan with Dave
BB Refund paperwork
Electricity issue from last month
Date night relaxing

Go see Phantom of the Opera!!...!!...!!

Put drumsticks in the crockpot

Throughout the Week:

Headache solutions and documentation
Click and Climb tutoring for Nikki and Joey
Fill out Ruby-go-Round questionnaire for TruKid
Make Thumb video
JumpStart review and Giveaway
Find out about the part for my minivan


nancy said...

"Tan with Dave".

hehe. ~wink~

Brittany said...

ha ha i like the tanning one, myself. teehee.

And the reminder to drink water... I need to remember to drink more water!!

PS- giving away goodies on my blog! Come sign-up!

Nancy said...

I need to do this with you! I'm an unorganized mess. :P I do most everything by the seat of my pants. Being a sahm to 3 young boys and running my own 2 businesses makes me a walking stress ball. LOL I'm going to tune back in and see how you did!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Woohoo, you go with your bad self! Breakin' it down has helped me. Let's see how making it a daily to-do list will help me this week. So far so good :)

Nancy, join us! :)