Monday, January 19, 2009

Get it write here Journal #8

These journal entries are from Get it Write Here. She puts up journal questions, some simple, some complex however all of them will help you think about where you are, what you appreciate and look a little deeper inside yourself.

Saturday's Question

How do you stay connected to the people you care about most?

This one is fairly easy, since I do most of my connecting through the internet. Facebook, Myspace, simple e-mails or even my blogs. There are a few people who I talk to over the phone: Laila, Gretchen and my siblings. Then even more that I see and try to hook up with once a month: Dave, Gretchen, Jimmy, Tim and Brad. Though, most contacts are through the computer. I have started talking to people I never speak to with the assistance of the internet. My cousins whom I never would have really spoken to are on Facebook, and I get to see their children, that is such a joy for me!

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