Thursday, June 26, 2008

Strawberry Love

When I was a little girl I took a trip up to East Aurora, NY to visit my maternal grandparents. They lived in a wooded area with a lovely house and an amazing backyard, though, nothing compared to the garden they had every summer.

They used to grow fresh carrots, onions, lettuce and cucumbers, and for a special treat, Strawberries. I am a foodie at heart, I have been my whole life, though, to this day I still haven’t had a strawberry like my grandmother used to grow and we would pick right off the plant.

Though, now, I want to go and visit California and start partaking in some of the strawberries that they have been blessed with this season. Perhaps I will finally beat that lasting memory of a freshly picked strawberry, it’s not a bad goal to have right?

I believe that life can be learned by experiencing new things, and this is my way of giving you all some random information you can us at the water cooler/cereal isle.

Language of the Strawberry

Finnish : Mansikka

French : Fraise
Zulu : Isitrobheli

Healthy ways to love your strawberry

Historical Medicinal Uses of Fragaria Vesca (Alpine Strawberry):

It is said that the leaves, roots and fruits of this variety of strawberry were used for a digestive or skin tonic. Internally, the berry was used for diarrhea and digestive upset, while the leaves and the roots were used for gout. Externally, it was used for sunburn and skin blemishes, and the fruit juice was used for discolored teeth. (Link)

Plant one for your family

Tip For Tending a Single Strawberry BushFrom: Anat Golan

"Each morning, spray water from a spray bottle (such as a window-cleaner bottle) on the plants. Every 2-3 days, give the plants a half cup of water. This really makes them fresh and red!" (Link)

Tips about Strawberry’s

California strawberries:

· Are America's favorite fruit
· Are available year-round
· Are enjoyed by the vast majority (94 percent) of Americans
· Have more vitamin C per serving than an orange
· Are naturally low in sugar - only eight grams per serving
· Rank second among the top ten fruits in antioxidant capacity (TAC)
· May help reduce the risk of heart disease, fight some types of cancer and lower blood pressure

The site for the California Strawberry Commison has a ton of amazing recipes and can help you with anything you might want to know about this lovely crimson summer time treat!

To find great things for your children to learn about our strawberry, please go and visit Strawberry Ville.

“This was written as a blog tour for Mom Central"

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