Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mommy Docs ~Summer Safety~

The Fourth of July is up and coming quickly. This year has flown by!

With Issa being 18 months old for this years festivity I know that we will be outside more and that means a couple things;
Sun, Bugs, Pool activities and BBQ.

Some of my favorite things.

Now, we all know that things can go wrong at anytime of the year, but during the summer is when kids have the most chance for high uncomfortably irritated skin.

Mommy Docs is a great website for information on how to keep your kids safe, happy and a little more comfortable during picnics, camping and backyard BBQ season.

Here are some tips that are helpful to keep in mind:

Five Simple Summer Safety Tips
from the MommyDocs

Have a Sun Protection Strategy: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends sunscreen with a minimum Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15. Look for products that provide "broad spectrum" coverage to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Use this sunscreen routine with your child--daily application 30 minutes before going outside and reapplication every 2 hours (or sooner if swimming, toweling off, or sweating). Creating a routine will establish good habits for the future. In addition, don't forget a wide brim hat, sunglasses with 99-100% UVA/UVB protection, and sun protective clothing.

Keep Pests off Your Little One:
In the summer, many insects can bite or sting your child. For pesky mosquitoes and ticks, consider a DEET containing insect repellant. Apply sparingly to exposed skin (avoid backs of hands and around the eyes and mouth) and/or to clothing once a day. As the percentage of DEET goes up, the duration of action increases. To prevent unnecessary exposure, always use the lowest percentage that will last for the planned length of time spent outdoors. Never go above 30% or use on children under 2 months old.

Keep the Pool Cool and Clean:
Small yard pools provide a great way for kids to have fun and cool down when the temperature rises, but they can also harbor germs, such as bacteria. To keep the pool free from unwanted "swimmers," after each use disinfect it with bleach by cleaning with a solution of ¾ cup regular bleach to one gallon of water, then rinse well and dry thoroughly. Safety must: Always supervise children regardless of age when they are around any water; whether it's a bucket, a small backyard plastic pool, or the local community pool.

High Heat Means Hydrate: Excessive heat exposure may cause your child to experience a heat-related illness such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or even heat stroke. How to prevent this: take breaks in the shade, avoid playing outside during peak sun exposure hours, and drink, drink, drink! Make sure your child is taking in plenty of fluids before he become thirsty.

Rid Rashes and Relieve Itchies: Running through the yard in bare feet, taking a nature walk on a trail, and picnicing in the park are some of the joys of warmer weather. But all of this outdoor activity can expose your child to a host of plants including those which cause poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac. If an allergic reaction occurs, ask the pediatrician about an oral antihistamine and/or a topical skin care product such as a steroid cream or calamine. If the rash is extensive, looks infected, or is not getting better, call your doctor right away.

I hope you all have a safe and entertaining 4th of July. Enjoy the fireworks, Remember our troops who are celebrating far away from home and be careful!

Warm Blessings

1 comment:

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Deviled eggs. They make a picnic feel all dressed up and special.

Thirty-five isn't old. You're fine. One of the best things about turning 40 was that I quit worrying about getting old and starting living. I quit worrying about how I looked and what other people thot I looked like (to heck with them) and started living and being myself.

I would not be a young, unsure, does this dress make me look fat? thing again for anything! Whoever said, "Youth is wasted on the Young" sure had that right!

Enjoy your picnic. Then go have another one the next day and the next . . .