Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Bucket List

Imagine the world that would suddenly open up if you found out that a lifetime wasn’t going to be given to you.  

When Dave and I first met I had just gotten a phone call about an abnormal lump in my right breast. I spent a week stressing and considering all of my options in case it did come out as breast cancer. As I laid in a dark room staring up at the ceiling tiles I thought about all the things I had left to do. I remember trying to wipe the tears from my eyes as they did the biopsy and going to see Dave that night and hiding the fear I had over the whole ordeal.

It’s been 3 years and I’m happy to say I’m cancer free, the lump turned out to be benign and I go every year for a mammogram, at 38 years old I’m luckier than some who never get that chance to write a bucket list and know that much of it will come to fruition.

The people at Just Ask want you to stay around for a good long while so you can cross epic activities and life-changing achievements off that list of yours. That’s why they’ve developed a test that could save your life—the BRACAnalysis test—by informing you about your chances of getting breast or ovarian cancer.

Have a Bucket List yet?

1.)    Go to a drive in movie
2.)    Photography a homecoming at a military base for our service men and women returning
3.)    Go to Vegas
4.)    Backpack through Europe

5.)    Learn to sew
6.)    Learn sign language
7.)    Climb Longs Peak
8.)    Win a photography contest
9.)    Start my own business
10.)  Go to Yellowstone

11.)  Write a book
12.)  Raft in the Grand Canyon
13.)  Shop in Paris
14.)  Drink a REAL Guinness
15.)  Go to an NFL football game

(Photos from

This is my entry in the Just Ask Bucket List Getaway Giveaway.  Want to enter? Head over to to get the details. 

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