Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thoughts... Tuesday

Here are some more thoughts for the first Tuesday in February.

Kenna and Larry- They came out of surgery this afternoon and all seems to be well. They are both so strong, this should go off without a hitch! Hopefully everyone can get together in a few months and I'll put up some pictures.

Jake- Dave's little man is sick tonight, stomach flu and the like. Think about him and send some warm healing thoughts... it could be a long night for my love and his little man.

Michelle and her lovely two children- Her husband Joe has left for a year long leave with the military. They will miss him dearly and it breaks my heart to hear how sad she sounds.

Baby Cora- This little one is going through chemo therapy.. warm thoughts for her family and for her! She will need the strength we can all send her!

Jaime- From Sticky Feet, give her sticking thoughts, that the pregnancy remains viable and strong! It would mean so much to her!!

This loving Mommy was due to deliver her son in just 2 weeks. But today when she went to her routine doctor’s appointment she learned that her beautiful baby boy had passed away due to umbilical cord strangulation. Please, Please send thoughts to this family.. they need it so much right now!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

thank you so much for including my family in your post! I really appreciate!