Sunday, December 21, 2008

Diamond Earring Giveaway

Ok.. I'll don't usually share too many giveaways outside of Grosgrain, because, well.. it's time consuming :)

However, I love Kristin from An Ordinary Life so... here is the bloggy love!

(Picture taken from An Ordinary Life)

She is giving away a beautiful set of diamond earrings (white gold base) from and I'd really like to win them. So...

Go here to find the link to her.
And go here to find the link to the people who offered it!

Then... keep your fingers crossed. If you are a guy, you might wanna enter, just to get an early Valentine's gift for your woman!


nancy said...

You are the giveaway queen. Plain and simple.

nancy said...

HEY. I have 2 tickets to the flogging molly show on the 30th (i'm going to the 31st) that I seem to not be able to get rid of. Want them?

Kristin said...

You totally rock! Giveaways are hard to do I totally understand!