Sunday, March 2, 2008

Some great free things- Sheetload's 15,000 Celebration.

I just found a great website that shows some free things we can all use.

Go and check them out.

This one is a lovely website for reading stories. I think sometimes when I need a moment, I can get the little ones to watch it and it will help some! Check out this link..

Another cute product that I wish they had when I was a kid. Fizzy Wizzies. HOW CUTE!!
I am not sure how I would feel about having yellow water but the blue and red is soooo cool. I know my 14 month old would love it!

There is also a great giveaway going on at In the honor of Sheetload reaching it's 15,000 (wow, pretty cool huh?), they are holding a month long celebration. Please go and visit them!

Cute huh?
I love these.. Well, it's cleaning day for us here at the house!
I'll write more later!

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