For Today...
Outside my window...
it is in the mid-60’s, cool and comfortable. No air conditioning needed in the house, nothing but fans or open windows. I am looking at a dim fog that is covering
I am thinking...
how I am going to cook the salmon burgers for dinner tonight, what I need to buy before I go home, if Joey’s football practice will tell us what team he’s on, how has this relationship still continued to grow and given me butterflies at the thought of seeing him after almost a year of being together.
I am thankful for...
my children. Despite the issues we have had, or the evening meltdowns that happen with my baby girl, I am blessed, every bath time I get to wash my daughter’s curly hair, or laughter that comes from family dinner time, I realize how lucky we are to have one another.
From the kitchen...
we have a fully stocked pantry, a fridge bursting at the seams. With three teens, two toddlers and a kindergartener coming back from vacation soon, we will need it. Fruits, meats and a smattering of sides, they will eat healthy, even if we have to trick them.
I am wearing...
my “golf” shorts, a yellow shirt and cropped white sweater. Oh, and flip flops… October 1st they can come off my feet, until then, I REFUSE to take them off.
I am reading...
a wonderful book about running give to me by my darling friend Timmeh.
I am hoping…
that I can finish “True Blood” first season before the end of the week. I want to start season two this weekend!
I am creating...
new designs for the house. One step at a time!
Around the house...
I am finally cleaning out spaced that were filled with clutter. Freezers full of food from 2002 (yea… luckily trash day is today), Dave cleaned out the garage, We are going to finish off the basement and get that space cleaned up more. Once it is all done, I will feel better, I despise clutter and unnecessary items in the home, if they have no purpose, they need to go away.
One of my favorite things...
are those moments between the toddlers bedtime, and Dave/I falling asleep. They are quiet times, curled up in bed with Dave, talking to a random teen that might come in to watch our show (Joey gets sucked into SportsCenter every time), or fill us in on something they need. It is like the whole day is leading up to a wonderful ending, snoring next to one another.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
will be cleaning up Jake’s room (purging, sorting, reorganizing), helping Joey with cleaning up/organizing his room, premiere at the IMAX and Open house at EagleCrest. We have a busy week, every day also included football practice and home work.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
(This is the Smith's family "Num". Cut up candy bars, smaller candies and well, a ton of fat in a bowl. I LOVE this stuff.. I ate so much of it on Saturday I'm still full.. and my pants don't like me much. My tummy however.. LOVES me. This is the first time Dave made it for me, I've had it at his mother's house for Easter.)
Sounds like a great start to your week. =)
sleep in flipflops?
Yep... that way I don't have to get up as early in the morning... It's a streamlined way of "time organization"
.... Smart butt... :)
Who says you have to take the flip-flops off? I wear them until my toes are frozen...seriously...even if that means it's November! ;)
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