Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
If you had a Friday and Saturday alone, without kids, work or responsibilities. Just you and your significant other. What would you do? Would you go out? Stay at home? Would you cook together?
Sub-question: If you could, would you want a weekend like this, once a month?
Dave and I just got this chance twice a month. Our schedules have opened up where we have these weekend nights without any children in the house. I find myself very excited about it. Not that our relationship has digressed into where we need this, however, I don't want it to get to that point.
We are romantic and spend evenings in a candle lit room, with quiet music in the background and talk until 3:00 in the morning. We still do crazy things like this on "school nights". However... the idea that we don't have to get out of bed or drive anyone to school is wonderful.
What am I going to do? This weekend... nothing, nothing at all. I am going to stay in bed, drift in and out of sleep while watching baseball curled up in his arms. I am going to wander downstairs to grab a cup of coffee, a snack and then head back up to the master bedroom, surf the web for new curtains on the laptop and have a pillow fight! I really.. can't wait..
I would want to drag my husband out if I didn't have kids around. WE never eat out, go to the movies etc... because of little kids. So any chance I get of a kid free night, I am out enjoying it.
We would probably go out and do a few errands, get some lunch then hang at home and make dinner and watch TV together.
A weekend alone, means alone, no going out. We would stay home, talk, shower, eat, together, watch a movie, make love. Work in the garden. Share our lives.
I think that we would go out...with 4 kids we are sometimes reluctant to eat out or go well anywhere because of the stress and work involved. We took a long weekend and went to St. Louis for our 8th wedding anniversary...I really wish that we could do this once every couple of months. Great question.
How fun! I would NEED to get out - something we haven't done enough of since becoming parents. I'd want to get dressed up (real people clothes, not mommy everyday clothes) HAHa!
Enjoy your weekends!
Stopping by from the Momselect Facebook group to say hello.
Can u say Hotel. Hubby and I never get personal time together sneaking off for 5 min. is getting so old. Are you offering to baby sit? LOL
I would take a nap, eat fast food, take a long walk and just enjoy the time.
WOW, what a dream come true for me LOL
We would probably play a board game, and go to a big city to eat at a restraunt that isn't kid friendly!
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