Monday, October 28, 2013

A Gift from Nature - Energy the healthy way #Ad

My daughters take snack to school every day. No candy, no sugary cereals or things that will cause them to be hyper and then crash by the time I have to pick them up after school. I don't have time for crashing kids.

So when I was at the store the other day, I grabbed my girls a few packets of peanuts. I just need something they can toss in their backpacks and eat while at their desk that doesn't sound like a freight train while they crunch it.

Worked like a charm, they came out of school less sugared up and ready to take on the day. Like I said, with sports, homework and being kids, we don't have "downtime" mixed into their schedules.

I'm just saying with my face right here.

Makes me laugh everytime I see this commercial on TV.

Oh, and the phrase "Are you picking up what I'm laying down right here?" My son says this all the time and we just stare at him blankly, NOW, I will see a peanut with a tophat saying it.

So, how do you wake up when it's 2pm and you are getting the kids up from a nap or trying it through your last few hours of work? What do your kids eat at snack time during school? Try something high protein and low fat, it works, I promise. Go for the,

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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