Monday, July 29, 2013

Hiking around Estes Park this summer..

If you are going to be up near Estes Park before the end of the summer season, make sure you check out this amazing place to visit.

Picnic In The Park offers high quality affordable foods, reduced and environmentally friendly disposable packaging, and reusable meal outing items, e.g. picnic baskets, etc. The delicious and affordable menu includes deli style and traditional picnic style foods such as rotisserie chicken, potato salad, baked beans, etc. The deli caters to the hikers and their need for small foods and reduced packaging. The rotisserie caters to families who will have an outing and carry their meals in a traditional picnic style. Wood-fired pizza was added to cater to anyone who may want a great pizza either before they go back indoors to relax for the evening, or for those who want to be out for an evening.

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