Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When babies grow up - Mattress Find

I remember when my little girl was really my little girl. She isn't so little anymore, 19 years old and moving into her first apartment with her amazing boyfriend when she turns 20. They will be moving to Boulder, Colorado which is about an hour from her family, but I suppose it could be worse right?

My goofy kids and their friend.
What kinds of house warming gift do you give a young couple? Probably the same one I wanted to have when I was growing up, a new bed. Something comfortable, easy to move (because I am sure Dave and I will be doing a lot of helping them move) and that will last them for many years, at least until they become "grown ups" and get their own... then they will pass it on down to one of her siblings, I'm sure.

 I went to Mattress Find and started reading all of the questions from the choosing a mattress section hoping to find the right one for the kids. I had no idea that these were things I should consider, but it makes sense, I began to wonder if *I* needed a new mattress.

Now I wonder, Do I need a little more support on my body? What about poor Dave, he's not a spring chicken! (That comment might come back and bite me :) )

But really, couldn't we all go for a nice new mattress, sleeping like before we had kids and waking up without limping across the floor wondering why we didn't get in some yoga the day before?

Did you know the average lifespan of a mattress is 10 years. Got you thinking didn't it, "How old is my mattress?" "When did I get that?" " Didn't it belong to Aunt Raye before we got it? How long did she sleep on this thing?"

Go ahead, check it out and see what you are missing, perhaps step outside of your comfort zone and get into a foam mattress, it might be just what you are missing.

I know that when it comes to choosing a mattress this fall, I'll be looking to Mattress Find for advice and tips before getting my daughter something she'll potentially sleep on till she's 30 years old.

*I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions expressed above are my own*

1 comment:

Kara Smith said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :} Mommy I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! You are soooooooo SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)