Sunday, January 4, 2009

Denver Art Museum X2

LaLa playing with the bubbles.

The first Saturday of every month is free for Colorado residents at the Denver Art Museum, and I am all about free! I love to take the kids there, and so I invited Dave and his son yesterday, as well as my two friends Dan and Gretchen.

Mr. Grady Bear, almost 6 months old and a cutie pie!

We had a WONDERFUL time, though, my Issa had a meltdown around naptime, it turned out very well and no one was left... as an exhibit piece, though, I did consider leaving her with the African artifacts!
Dave and Gretchen outside talking.
Dave, watching his son.. isn't that a great look on his face?


Minxy Mimi said...

What great pics and sorry for the inevitable meltdown!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...


Hey! I have that same pink butterfly blanket! :)